Club VS Member Price: $30
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To Benefit: Town of Brighton, TN
Ballin' For Brighton
The Town of Brighton is located in rural West TN. A new Mayor and Board of Aldermen were recently elected at the end of 2020. The last volunteer Park and Recreation Board for the town was dissolved and a new one established. They have realized there is a dire need to try to bring back what the town once had in terms of youth activities and safe facilities they can gather in. Gang activities are becoming more prevalent in the area and we all must do our part to keep the children occupied with healthy social alternatives. This fundraiser, in conjunction with a local clean up day, will allow them to get started on repairing the gym that once held teams of all ages for basketball. It will allow them to bring life back into the old baseball fields where children and parents spent most of their spring and summer in their cozy town. They are committed to having a place of refuge for the youth and citizens of the town. They would greatly appreciate it if you would help by Ballin’ for Brighton! Each registrant will receive this 4″ sporty cardinal medal!